GFWC Classics

Shining Forward

GFW Emblem

Lawrence, Kansas

Celebrating 20 Years serving Lawrence and Our Surrounding Communities


2018-2020 Officers

  • Kristine Bailey-President
  • Martha Silks-Vice-President
  • Joan Toot-Secretary
  • Brenda Rezac-Treasurer

2018-2019 Meetings

Meetings: 5:30 PM 2nd Thursday of the month from September through May

Exception: December meeting will be held on Nov 29 (2 weeks earlier than usual).

GFWC Events

O’Connell Youth Ranch Tour

The GFWC Classics visited and toured the O’Connell Youth Ranch in Lawrence, KS. The Ranch is designed to give young boys a second chance for a fresh start in life by providing a structured and yet loving home life in a clean, healthy rural setting. The Classics help to support the young boys by providing a new backpack for the start of each school for each boy. Also treats are provided at different times during the year.

Festival of Trees

For the third year in a row the Classics have created an entry for auction in the Lawrence Festival of Trees. The 2017 entry was named “Cute as a Button” and was created by attaching thousands of buttons on a frame created by our Classic boosters. Many, many hours of work went into this beautiful creation.

Festival of Trees auction

The completed tree is auctioned off at the annual Festival of Trees auction with proceeds going to support The Children’s Shelter in Lawrence, KS. The mission of The Children’s Shelter is to improve the lives of children and families, with a focus on children at risk in Douglas County and Northeast Kansas.

Maison de Naissance Donations

GFWC Classics held a baby shower to provide much needed newborn items for Maison de Naissance which is a Global Birthing Home Project in Haiti. A representative from Maison de Naissance provided an informative program about the birthing home in Haiti. Maison de Naissance provides an opportunity for safe and healthy childbirth in an area where newborns and mothers are at risk.

Coal Creek Library

GFWC Classics visited the Coal Creek Library in the community of Vinland, KS which may be the oldest library in Kansas but is today more of a museum. The Library Association was organized on November 22, 1859 and the first 10 books arrived in February 1860.

Officer Changeover

The tour of the library was followed by the installation of the new 2018-2020 officers. Jan Moore presented new President, Kristine Bailey with the gavel that has been used since the Classics began more than 20 years ago.

2018 State Convention in Manhattan

Five representatives from the Classics attended the 2018 State Convention in Manhattan, KS. New state officers were installed for the 2018-2020 term including Kathy Baker as the new State President and The Classics own Janet Moore as the new State President elect.

2018 State Convention in Manhattan

About GFWC Classics, Lawrence, KS

The General Federation of Women's Clubs is a unifying force, bringing together local women's clubs, with members dedicated to strengthening their communities and enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. With over 80,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state and more than a dozen countries, GFWC members are community leaders who work locally to create global change by supporting the arts, preserving natural resources, advancing education, promoting healthy lifestyles, encouraging civic involvement, and working toward world peace and understanding

Contact us through the form below or visit Facebook to learn more about GFWC and attend a meeting.

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